Exceptional care.
Extraordinary results.

Individualized physical therapy

Our innovative and holistic approach to physical therapy focuses on you as an individual to help you achieve your highest potential.

About Us

We understand the complex nature of pain and how it can affect daily living. We’re here to help.

PTX is unique in that we care deeply about our patients’ needs and are fully invested in finding holistic solutions that will make the greatest transformation to your physical well-being. We are experts in creating pathways to success that involve premier manual therapy, analytical bio-mechanical assessment and lifestyle management.

Robin Isaacs
Physical Therapist. PT, FAFS

Robin Isaacs, founder of PTX, has been on the cutting edge of physical therapy methods for over 30 years. His gifted hands and acute sense of how to incorporate manual therapy into successful recovery has made him one of the premier analytical minds in biomechanics. With an extensive background and a fellowship in Applied Functional Science, he was one of the first movement professionals chosen by Nike Golf to complete the Golf Performance Specialist certification in 2012. Most importantly, Robin wants to see the smile on your face when you succeed and is driven by one simple principle: love and care for others.

Cori Geoghan
Physical Therapist. DPT, COMT

Cori received her DPT from GVSU in 2007 and has been practicing in West Michigan ever since. She continued her education to become a Certified Orthopedic Manipulative Therapist (COMT) through the North American Institute of Orthopedic Manual Therapy (NAIOMT). This extensive training focuses on developing advanced clinical reasoning skills and learning spinal/peripheral manipulation techniques. Cori has a wealth of experience, an eagerness to learn, and a passion for helping patients get better.

Bethany Dault
Office Manager & LMT

Bethany comes to PTX with a well rounded background in health and wellness. She is a Licensed Massage Therapist, Group Fitness Instructor and Coach. Her passion for helping people started during her time as a Success Coach at Central Michigan University where she received her undergrad and Masters degrees. She enjoys spending time outside, traveling and being active.

Kristin Hall – Holland Clinic
Physical Therapist

Kristin has been a strong advocate for her patients to achieve their optimal function in her 30+ years as an outpatient orthopedic physical therapist. She has had the unique opportunity to be mentored by a number of iconic experts in the field. Beginning with her degree from Washington University in St. Louis, she was taught muscle imbalance/movement impairment analysis and exercise treatment from Shirley Sahrmann. She was then directly taught by Freddie Kaltenborn, PT and Olaf Evjenth, PT who specialize in advanced manual therapy techniques as well as provocation/alleviation testing to identify problem areas. She finds joy in treating every patient with compassion and expertise, and looks forward to helping people in the greater Holland area address their movement dysfunction needs. Kristin enjoys living in Holland with her husband and 2 dogs and has two awesome adult children. Kristin enjoys sailing, kayaking, walking (especially on the beach!), skiing, tennis, reading, and traveling.


Manual Therapy

We are highly effective at discovering and treating pain and dysfunction using our skilled hands. An innovative blend of the science of structure and the art of healing touch allow us to be in tune with the complex nature of your tissue and joint structure. Our goal is to make the structural adaptation within your body so you can perform at your best.

Movement and biomechanics

Movements and how we interact with our environment in response to our daily tasks and jobs are very complex. Sometimes how much or little we move can lead to injury, overuse, pain, loss of strength or protective responses. We look for underlying root causes, observe symptoms in your neuromuscularskeletal system and notice how quickly your body adapts to our intervention.

Pain science education

Knowledge of the pain process and brain physiology is the primary liberator to dampening its effects on daily living and activity. We here at PTX have the knowledge, expertise and training tools to educate all clients on the complex physiology of persistent pain and help you to develop strategies for future success, without the use of life threatening medication.

Foot and ankle conditions

The foot is a complex foundation of the human body and vital in proper locomotion. We have a proven track record of understanding the biomechanics of the entire foot structure by using manual therapy techniques to correct each joint and bone in the foot and help the muscles and nerve endings function normally again. 

Golf performance

Golf is a complex series of motions from multiple joints, nerves and muscle memory. There are many constraints and compensations in the body that don’t allow for your golf swing to be effective, efficient and repeatable. With his vast background in biomechanics and his certification through Nike Golf, Robin is uniquely positioned to deliver evaluation and programming in order to improve your body’s capability and performance in all sports.


Contact Us

Spring Lake/Grand Haven/Ferrysburg/Muskegon Clinic:
17210 Van Wagoner Rd
Spring Lake, MI 49456

Holland Clinic:
653 Michigan Ave, Suite 100
Holland, MI 49423

Monday–Thurs: 8am–6pm
By appointment only
By appointment only

Phone: (616) 296 2262
Fax: (616) 935 3535

Robin Isaacs: robin@ptxphysicaltherapy.com
Wynne Martin: wynne@ptxphysicaltherapy.com
Cori Geoghan: cori@ptxphysicaltherapy.com
Bethany Dault: bethany@ptxphysicaltherapy.com

Kristin Hall: kristin@ptxphysicaltherapy.com (Holland)
Ryan Tanis: ryan@ptxphysicaltherapy.com (Holland)


How do I know I need to see a PT?

Any persistent aches in the body or pain from injury or overuse should be evaluated by our therapy staff. It is better to catch something early before it becomes more complex down the road. We can help by doing $50 injury screens designed to give you quick feedback and prognosis for what you are experiencing (restrictions apply).

What should I expect at my first appointment?

Arrive 15 minutes early so that completing your paperwork does not cut into your therapy time. You will be thoroughly evaluated for the root cause of pain and educated on the most effective solution. Your optimal health takes work, so be prepared to actively participate in your recovery. 

What insurance do you accept?

We accept all major commercial insurances, Medicare and Blue Cross Blue Shield. Please check with our administrative staff if you have any questions on your coverage. We will gladly assist you in determining your benefits.

Do I need a referral?

Yes, even though Michigan is one of last states to receive Direct Access, certain insurances still require a physical therapy order from a physician for services to be covered. If you are unsure of your insurance rules, please ask any of our helpful staff and they will clarify prior to your first visit.


PTX Surgery Intake

PTX Non-Surgical Intake

PTX Financial Policy